How To Write A Good ‘About Us’ Page For Your Website
by Jim Frost
A website is made up of at least three types of information: what you do (Products or Services), how to contact you (Contact us), and who you are (About us). This last section often gives self-employed and business owners a few headaches. Indeed, it is not easy to write about oneself, especially in a catchy way. Here are some tips to help you write an engaging ‘About us’ page that explains your business.
About what
To get started, decide what to mention on your page. Professionals will have to write a brief biography that describes their background and attests to their skills. New businesses can introduce the founders of the company, and businesses that have been established for several years can write their history. Depending on the size of your team, it is worth adding a short biography or description of each member, whether they are employees, freelancers, or suppliers. This page is also a good place to write down your mission, vision, and values.
Also read: How To Write Product Descriptions That Sell
Write in the third person
Even if you find it strange to talk about yourself in the third person, it’s the norm in the workplace. You must therefore name yourself and refer to yourself as “he” or “she” or ‘they’.
Brian has been a certified building inspector since 2016. He began his career with the Goldrich and then went on his own in the California region.
To achieve writing like this, think of yourself as if you were another person. How would you describe your spouse or your neighbor, for example? Forget the idea that this sounds pompous; in writing, talking about oneself in the third person does not shock the audience.
Note that it is also possible to write your biography in the first person (“I”), but only in very specific cases. Your entire site needs to be consistent.
Also read: How To Write A Perfect Press Release For Online Distribution
Step away from the CV
A resume is such a boring thing to read: dates, employers, educational institutions, other dates. Your CV may be a good reference to have on hand when writing the ‘About us page, yet it is not an example to follow. Only get the best out of it:
- Significant achievements
- Prestigious employers
- Experience relevant to your area of expertise
- Meaningful community engagement
- Prizes, distinctions, or certifications in your field
You have seen that diplomas are not part of this list. Your ‘About us’ page is not used to get you a job, but to make you known to your customers, who don’t care about your diplomas. Mention only relevant professional, college, or university degrees, and only if it confirms your skills.
Write dates rather than the number of years
Simple writer’s tip: Instead of writing that you’ve been a constructor for 15 years, write that you began in 2003. That way you won’t have to update your biography next year. Also, it is not necessary to specify a day or month, unless a particular event needs to be named.
Name qualities that are original and relevant to you
In addition to describing your professional background, the ‘About Us’ page can be used to introduce you from a more personal point of view. This is often where people lack inspiration, and this gives rise to “boilerplate”.
Find what sets you apart from others. Are you creative, spontaneous, innovative, meticulous, empathetic, etc.? Bet on one or two real qualities that add value to your offer.
Stay concise
When we consult an ‘About Us’ page, we want to know who we are dealing with and, indirectly, whether we trust this person or company. Keep your memoirs to make a story out of it, if necessary, but refrain from displaying your entire life! This advice is all the more important in web writing, where the reader’s attention is very limited. Also, check 25 awesome About Us page examples.
Beware of name dropping
It’s tempting to name famous people you’ve worked with to boost your credibility. If your mentor is a well-known businessman, it is justified and interesting to mention. However, it doesn’t change much to your profile. Do not promote others rather highlight your story.
Dare, if you can
In creative fields, such as communications, advertising, and the arts, you often see About pages and biographies that are out of the ordinary. Moreover, millennials will certainly recognize themselves in this description, which creates a feeling of closeness. If your company can afford it, dare to use the humour. It always pays off when played well.
A good final review
Finally, don’t forget to have your About page proofread or edited. There’s nothing like a second eye to know if you’re hitting the bull’s eye!
With the help of TextProz‘s writing services, you can reach a wider audience and achieve more with your business website. We can also help you write or revise your page, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
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