Mastering Email Marketing: 10 Tips To Drive Results
What do you feel every time a new email arrives in your inbox and the content does not interest you? Well, that’s what subscribers who sign up to receive newsletters from a company think about with the promise of really interesting content and find the opposite.
Personalization and segmentation is the great key that distinguishes a successful campaign from a mass mailing with all the messages ending up directly in the users’ spam folder.
In this post, instead of talking about specific email marketing tools, we are going to focus on tips and tricks to achieve effective email marketing, making the most of the possibilities that all offer us to personalize content and take care of the relationship with all users while we continue working on attracting new subscribers that allow us to expand our database.
The secrets of effective email marketing campaigns:
We are going to focus on very practical, simple tips that we can put into practice from now on to achieve effective email marketing.
Imagine that a few days ago you registered at the online electronics store where you requested updated information on all the news and offers on laptops and you start receiving information right away.
With good reason, you don’t want your email copy to be invaded by promotions that don’t interest you at all and you probably don’t want to know anything about a business that doesn’t care about your interests at all.
A good segmentation will ensure that we send our subscribers only what interests them, thus avoiding the feeling of rejection and spam. When trying to reach users’ inboxes, we have to be very clear that our content is going to interest the user and make them feel like the intended persona. In the first place, so that they get to open that email and, secondly, so that our content is not sent directly to the spam folder or the user is deleted from our newsletter.
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Mobile readability
It seems obvious, but it never hurts to remember it. The design of your digital marketing actions cannot ignore the prevalence of the use of mobile devices.
Even though screen sizes tend to grow to meet the demands of users in terms of consumption of multimedia formats, we cannot forget that to achieve effective email marketing, we will need to keep in mind that mobile devices are not computers and the use, For example, the CTAs or the fonts must be different.
Also read: Why You Should Be Sending Email Newsletters to Your Customers
The users you are targeting are looking for speed. If they open your email, it will be to get the information quickly and easily, so be careful with large images, endless texts, and multimedia content that delay loading time.
Optimize for opening rate
It will be difficult to consider that we carry out effective email marketing if subscribers do not open our emails. Also, learn how to get more email subscribers with guest blogs.
The opening rate in email marketing is an indicator or KPI to take into account. It refers to the percentage of emails that are opened by users compared to the total number of shipments in your email marketing campaign. As we will see in the next tip, I think it is essential to always focus on improving and optimizing our campaigns to create effective email marketing, and the opening rate is an element that can always be improved.
Review the time, the frequency of the receiver, and above all the content, and think if this will interest the user. Will this message capture their attention?
Measure, analyze, and optimize
You can apply these tips or others that you find here at TextProz blog and obtain great results, but you cannot forget that no one should know your subscribers as thoroughly as you.
Email marketing campaign management applications include good statistical reporting systems that can help you analyze which elements work best among your subscribers, take advantage of them! Google Analytics can also offer you all the information on the operation of your campaigns in real time and will be a great base to make decisions and optimize your next campaigns to the maximum.
Create your unique style
If we come up with a style that the subscriber quickly distinguishes and associates with interesting content, we will be much closer to achieving a true connection with the user and differentiating ourselves from the rest of the emails that arrive in their inbox every day (which are many).
The headlines, the design, or the language that we use, must always be following what we want to transmit to give our actions coherence and to “make an impression” in the mind of the user who quickly identifies that style with our campaigns.
Know the users and schedule
To deepen the knowledge of the target audience to schedule the most outstanding actions, do not forget that the frequency of sending is a fundamental factor in achieving effective email marketing. In line with what was discussed in the previous section, a defined and coherent style needs frequency and a marked organization, and a calendar can be a great ally.
Be consistent with the links
I think this is a topic that is not talked about too much and it has always seemed super important to me.
The email marketing campaign is one more step toward conversion. We can build a specific landing page for subscribers to “land” that is technically magnificent, totally focused on conversion, but inconsistent with the message that we have sent to users through email. You must also read pro tips for creating a high-converting email newsletter.
Attentive to the design, the message, and the tone, if you have managed to get the user to click on the CTA, it is because you have captured their attention. Do not spoil it with a landing page that makes the user feel that they have been deceived, or that the person who sends the email and the page they arrive at belong to different people or companies.
Make a good first impression
No matter how loyal your subscribers are, sending each campaign as if it were the first, always looking for a good impression, is an effective technique.
Think that, in your inbox, you receive dozens of emails a day and it is always nice that, in addition to trying to sell you something, they care (or at least seem so) to create a closer relationship, with fewer advertising messages.
It is very interesting to think that, although logically the campaign is sent to many users, your message is addressed to only one person. The simple expression and careful web writing with rhythm, contribute to creating a close message that will help you create that good first impression, even if you have been sending your campaigns to that recipient for a year and they know you perfectly.
A/B testing and experimentation
This is one of the things I like most about working with people and for people, that you can always learn from your previous actions and experiment to achieve better results.
Never be satisfied. Do A/B testing and experiment and try new things, because you are talking to people, not robots. So you can always improve and get closer to effective email marketing, or any other field of digital marketing.
I hope these tips are very helpful for effective email marketing; and that you achieve the goals you have set for yourself and make email marketing a close, segmented, and always interesting contact channel with your subscribers.
What do you think are the most effective techniques? Share your experience with us.
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