How Content Marketing Can Bring Your Company Millions in Sales

The marketing team sits together.

You can push your sales with content marketing. First things first: content marketing pays off and you can achieve an amazing ROI.

We live in times in which advertising is prevalent around every corner and wants to attract our attention without being offered any added value. Bright colors, striking slogans, and short videos compete for our short attention spans, which are getting shorter and shorter.

This is where content marketing comes into play: it’s about creating real added value by answering customer questions, placing purchase advice with important information, or conveying company values with the help of emotional stories.

Content marketing offers companies so many advantages that it is almost surprising that some companies have not yet firmly established it in their marketing measures. Are you also one of the content marketing skeptics?

We’ll convince you that content marketing is guaranteed to increase your company’s success if you do it right.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is all about adding value for the user with inspiring content. Content is not primarily advertising, but informative, funny, helpful, etc. In the long term, you can win new customers with target group-oriented content marketing and bind them to your company.

In doing so, very different goals can be pursued, from more reach to brand awareness and lead generation.

Why content marketing is really useful?

The primary goal of content marketing is to win customers and increase sales. But with the right content and a clear content marketing strategy, this works without any expensive advertising. Rather, it is about reaching customers early in the buyer’s journey and familiarizing them with your company or your products/services. For example, you can write helpful guides or answer customer questions.

It about understands the customer, gaining their trust, and picking them up on topics that go beyond purely advertising content and thus converting them from prospects to customers.

Female Customer Buying Something

Also read: How To Reach More Customers with SEO & Content Marketing

What are the advantages of content marketing?

1. Content Marketing creates trust:

With the right content, you help customers solve their problems – whether you answer their questions in FAQs, provide comprehensive advice, or create an attractive Infographic. Advertising aspects, such as those found on your service pages, are completely in the background here.

And that is exactly what creates trust and strengthens customer loyalty to your brand. You provide information for free, but in the long term, you will receive a community and customers who appreciate your expertise and openness.

In addition to informative content, you can of course also tell brand stories with creative content. In this way, you can make your company more human and authentic.

2. Content marketing increases brand awareness:

Do you regularly publish exciting insights and information and answer the questions that stay on your customers’ minds? This does not go unnoticed and your brand benefits from your efforts. Great content will attract customers who will remember your brand.

“What helps customers – helps the business.”

Customers are known to prefer buying things from brands they know. With content marketing, you first reach potential customers through information and the like. This often works organically without the use of ads.

Your brand is perceived and more visible through your content. In addition, customers learn through your content what your company stands for and this of course also helps with the purchase decision in the buyers’ journey.

3. Content marketing ensures more visibility and better rankings:

If you can’t be found online, you simply get lost in the flood of competitors. Almost nobody just looks at page 2 of the Google results. Your customers will certainly not notice you there.

However, if you write uniquely good content and also take care of other search engines optimization factors such as a well-functioning site and good backlinks, you will improve your placement in the search results and more customers will come to your site.

More visibility means:

  • New Traffic on the site
  • More targeted acquisition of new customers
  • Extra leads and sales with content marketing
  • New sales

4. Content marketing makes difficult things easy:

Are you selling a product that requires an explanation, are you offering a complex service, or do you keep getting the same questions from your customers? With targeted content, you can explain important topics to your customers.

Not only text but also images and video are available as formats. You can make the purchase decision easier for the customer and even relieve your customer service by providing informative content with added value.

5. Content marketing is sustainable and cost-effective:

While you have to pay per click for classic ads, you don’t need any seed capital for content marketing. Nevertheless, you naturally put your time as a resource into creating the content. Unlike advertising, however, it pays off in the long term.

The content on your website can continuously reach your target group. You will appear organically, i.e. in the unpaid search engine results, and can convert users into customers every day.

With our holistic content writing services, in which content optimization plays a major role, we were able to help one of our clients to gain better rankings, through which thousands of customers come to the site every month.

High Quality Marketing

Grow your business with high-quality content that resonates with your audience. TextProz is a content partner that is serving top brands all across the globe.

Your content, once published, is always available and can be continuously updated and made even better. Of course, you can also push your content with Google Ads, for example, to quickly draw attention to yourself.

6. Content Marketing Brings Leads:

Very important, even for purely informational content, for example as a guide: show the customer further help, enable them to contact you, link them to other helpful articles on the topic or offer them advice.

This is how you can generate leads with content, for example, you can offer a newsletter to get your customers’ email addresses. Or you turn off the possibility of a consultation or a discount if the customer leaves their contact details there.

7. Content marketing makes your business more independent:

With content marketing, you make yourself and your company more independent of other channels such as classic advertising or PR. Because you can achieve a lot with content marketing and you should include it in your strategy.

Relevant: 6 Rules For A Successful Content Marketing Strategy

You can use it to increase your reach, become more visible in the search results, build brand awareness, create trust with customers, attract new customers to your site and help customers with their purchasing decisions.

8. Content Marketing Sells:

With content marketing, you overcome a major hurdle: you bring visitors to your website. Sure, a guide doesn’t encourage you to buy, but you accompany the user on their way through the funnel. With target group-oriented content on the right topics, you can answer important questions from customers and guide them through the purchase decision towards your products or services. You can even use your content to bind them to your company in the long term.

Conclusion: why content marketing is worth millions in sales:

content marketing is worth millions in sales

Content marketing is always worthwhile for every company in every industry. With content marketing, you not only help your customers to understand your company, your products, or your services, but you also convey your values and remain in the minds of customers as a brand.

Evergreen content, once published, constantly attracts new website visitors, and can guide them through the purchase process with different content until they are ready to buy from you. Better rankings, more visibility, and greater authority for your brand ensure that your company grows in the long term, acquires new customers, and becomes more independent of other channels such as advertising.

Motivated to grow your business with good content marketing? Feel free to contact us and we will advise you on a feasible content marketing strategy for your business.

Jim Frost is an experienced content writer with a decade-long experience in helping businesses grow. He has written multiple articles on topics such as business, finance, technology, marketing, and more.

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